Pet Food And Supplies

Your One Stop Shop For All Your Pet Needs

Talking About Our Pets

Welcome to Fuzzy Wuzzy Pet Store.You have come to the right place. You and your pets are in for a real treat. You are in a one-stop-shop for all your pet needs. You will save precious time, effort and energy by doing all your pet shopping in one place. We offer everything for your pets, from the most wholesome, healthy and nutritious pet foods to all the other pet supplies your pets need. We carry top-quality pet products numbering in the thousands that will satisfy every need in your pet's life. Starting from the most common household pets like dogs, cats, birds, rabbits, hamsters, fishes, lizards, turtles and all manner of reptiles to the very exotic pets like tarantulas, we carry products for each of them from their own individually specialized food to their particular pet housing and pet bedding. When you order a product, we encourage you to go and check what other pet lovers are saying about that product or similar ones before you make your final purchase. Make sure you get the very best for your pets.
We provide pet food and pet supplies from most of the top manufacturers with an unlimited supply of the very best quality of every product that you need at a discounted price. You have the guarantee of a multi-billion dollar company behind every product that you order. The delivery and guarantees of the products are first rate, and second to none. Customer service and support are unmatched and without equal. We are here to serve you and to satisfy all your pet needs. We have your pet's interest in mind.
We have pets of our own, and we know about the strong bond of love and care between you and your pets. Our love for them is immeasurable. If your pet is happy, then you are happy, and if you are happy, we are overjoyed to help make that happen. That's our ultimate goal. From time to time, we will be posting 'pet' videos here. You are welcome to view and enjoy them. We are also providing a 'Blog' corner at the top left where you contact us or you can share pet stories or unique experiences with your pets.
In addition to accessing a wide variety of the most wholesome and nutritious pet foods and all manner of pet supplies, the contents of this website will help to give you a better understanding of your pets. It will provide very valuable pet information for your particular pet. It will also guide you as to how to access a multitude of other non-pet products and items that you may need.  Please read the section below under the heading  Navigating This Website.  After you have browsed through this page, you can obtain further details on your specific pet by going to the top of this page and clicking on your Pet Page - "Dogs", "Cats", "Birds", "Fishes" and "Exotic Pets". 
Food - Healthy dog food will not only sustain your dog's life and protect its body but will also provide all the essential vitamins and minerals required for good health and all the many bodily functions. Good quality dog food will have the first two ingredients listed as meat. Avoid dog food with meat byproducts and fillers such as corn, soya and excessive carbohydrates. Dog food with salmon and flax seed oils will support healthy skin and coat.
Treats - These are a very essential tool in positive reinforcement of good behaviour when training your dog. Dog treats should be used between main meals when your dog is in a calm state. You must be patient to wait for the right moment after your dog has done what you expected before rewarding with the dog treat. Keep in mind to always give a treat that your dog likes
Toys - Dog toys are a very important part of your dog's life. They help to make your dog exercise so as to stay healthy, trim and happy. Your dog will be less bored and more energetic when playing. Make sure you select toys that they like to play with, and make sure that they are safe.  
Crates - Occasionally, you will need to take your dog from one place to another. It is advisable to choose a dog  crate that is spacious enough to make your dog feel comfortable. It is good to keep in mind that dogs are outdoor creatures, and they always want to be free. The more spacious the dog kennel is and the less time your dog spends in it, the happier it would be for everyone. Choose your crates and kennels with your dog's comfort in mind.
Food - Your cat is first and foremost a carnivore by nature, and likes a meat-based diet. Ensure that the starchless variety is chosen. This will also help in weight management and diabetes. Whether you select wet or dry cat food, it should contain the essential vitamins, minerals and fatty acids to promote a good immune system and also support a shiny and healthy coat. Wet cat food is preferred over dry ones, and should be formulated from animal protein over other types. 
Toys - Cats are predatory by nature, and they like to climb. They feel safe when they are high up. That way, they can keep an eye on things. A 'Cat Tree' is an ideal addition to a cat's life. When playing with toys, cats instinctively act as if they are hunting. Provide cat toys that will support that hunting instinct
Bedding - Cats love soft fluffy materials that remind them of snuggling up next to their mothers when they were kittens. Make sure you provide the softest and fluffiest cat bed suitable for your cat to feel warm and secure.
Health - The health of your cat is very important. Weight management should be on the top of the agenda. In the wild, cats run, jump and climb trees routinely thereby burning a lot of calories. When indoors, they spend a good part of their time sleeping. The lack of physical activity results in overweight problems. Give your cat less fatty food and the type that are more high protein in nature. Encourage regular physical activity by whatever creative effort possible, and change the food and diet if required. Dental care is also very important. Keeping your cat's teeth clean may prevent serious dental disease. Learn to read your cat's body language and recognize any symptoms of potential problems, and consult with your veterinarian as early as possible. 
Food - Just as birds of the same feather flock together, they also prefer their own kind of bird food. They eat many types of bird seeds from black oil sunflower to fine, medium and striped sunflower, to safflower, to whole and cracked peanuts, to white millet, or to cracked corn and all manner of grass seeds in between. Each specie has its own preference. Healthier seed mixes minimize or eliminate fat-filled sunflower seeds and peanuts. Instead, they include a large list of ingredients such as oats, corn, hemp, grape seed, flax and various types of millet. Often, prime-quality bird food mixes also are fortified with vitamins and minerals. Some birds may like nuts, worms and other items and some may need tiny stones to help crush their food. Be aware of that and procure the appropriate type of bird food for your pet bird. It is also important to provide clean drinking water on a daily basis.

Toys - Birds in the wild are always on the go - feeding, making nests, feeding their young and doing all their daily chores. Those in bird cages indoors can get bored very easily. Different types of birds play and interact in a variety of ways. Some require bird materials to break up to make bird nests as if they are in the wild. Many have an instinct to make noise to communicate. Metal bird bells are best for this. Some prefer interactive bird toys like bird beads which make sounds and could be moved around quite easily. Others love bird swings so that they can move from side to side. Get to know what kind of bird toy is best for your winged friend.

Cages - Bird cages come in many shapes and sizes. These should provide adequate space to house them as comfortably as possibly. For any bird that likes to climb, the cage should be designed with horizontal bars. For birds that are constantly looking to escape, security features should be included. Your bird cage should be above all things, safe to prevent any injury.

Health - Although good bird health starts with a good diet, there are times when your bird may become ill. Constant attention and good observation are required at all times to spot any changes. At the first sign of any illness, an avian veterinarian should be consulted immediately. Early attention can stop the illness in its tracks.

Food - There is an assortment of fish food available. Flake fish food is best for small fishes while fish pellets are more suitable for larger fishes. There are also freeze-dried and frozen food in the form of worms, krill or shrimp to supplement their diet. Some fishes like to nibble on algae and vegetable leaves like spinach. Fish food with high fiber content are better in helping to prevent constipation and bladder problems.

Aquarium - The correct size of a  fish aquarium must be used depending on the size and number of fishes housed in it. Proper pump and filter should be installed to keep the water clean and aerated at all times. Light on a timer at the appropriate level of brightness help the fishes navigate the aquarium, while careful decorations with rocks and other materials can provide sheltered areas for escape and resting.
Maintenance - Preventative maintenance must be done to the aquarium on an ongoing scheduled frequency to keep the conditions safe for the health of the fishes. The aquarium systems - heaters, filters and aerators must be inspected for proper working, and the filters must be cleaned. The water should be checked and tested for its PH level, and adjusted accordingly.

Health -  Decreased activity is a common sign of disease, and may be seen with poor water quality, various infectious diseases and many other problems. Any type of bacterial infection need to be treated with antibiotic or antibacterial medications.

Exotic Pets
Food -  Although there is a  wide ranging variety of exotic pets requiring exotic pet foods that are similar to what they would normally consume in the wild, there are lots of alternative types of food available that you can choose from. Exotic pet foods come mainly in four varieties - live, frozen, dried and fresh. Live food for the most part consist of live creepy crawlies sold in tubs or packs of various sizes. Frozen exotic pet food comes in the form of dead rodents  to feed reptiles. Dried exotic pet food which is similar to dry cat food is more easy to deal with and has longer 'shelf' life than live food. Very few exotic pets are entirely vegetarian. Many of the more popular tortoise species  and green iguanas are good examples. 

Care - Apart from supplying the correct type of food, providing the the appropriate type of care and creating a physical environment that make them feel at home will go very far in making your pet live as close to a normal life as possible. Each of these pets is unique in its own way, and requires that unique treatment that makes it distinct from others. It is best to be well acquainted with their life style in the wild, and to simulate as much of that as possible for them as a pet in your home.

Housing - Some of your unique pets may use traditional housing like aquariums for lizards, frogs and turtles. However, some of them will need their own special types of reptile enclosures cages and housing for their living areas. Some investigations must be done as to what kind of exotic pet cages is best for your pet. This will be very useful in selecting the type of housing that will enhance the comfort of your unique pet.

Safety - Although some exotic pets pose no danger to anyone, there are many that do not belong in a domestic setting. They do not make good companions, and they require specialized care, housing, diet and maintenance. Some of them are inherently dangerous to their owners and anyone who come in contact with them. They may carry bacteria and disease that can be very harmful for people. They can escape from their housing and pose a danger to everyone at large. Extra precaution must be taken by anyone who possesses exotic pets.
Navigating This Website
This website gives you a comprehensive coverage of all your various types of pets with the relevant information about their nature, their care, their food, their supplies and the role they play in our lives. There is a page dedicated to each type of pet - Dogs, Cats, Birds, Fishes and Exotic Pets. Each page has pet information, 'Display Items', and Order Menu for their food and their other supplies. You will get specific tailored information and specific product displays for your type of pet. 
You can access your specific Pet Page by going to the top of this Home Page and click on your type of pet - 'Dogs', 'Cats', 'Birds', 'Fishes', 'Exotic Pets'. Once you are in your Pet Page, you can order your pet food or pet supplies from the on-page displays or from the Order Box at the bottom of each page or from the Order Boxes from the various sections within each page. If you do not find what you are looking for on the on-page displays,  then do a  Search in the Order Box below.  You can specify in detail as to what type of  pet food or pet supply you are looking for by typing in for example in the Dog Page Search Box   'dry dog food with salmon' or 'wet dog food with vitamins and minerals' or 'dog food for puppies' or 'dog food for older dogs' or 'dog kennels for large dogs'. Be as specific and as descriptive as best as you can, and you will get exactly what you need for your pet. 
Do the search in the same manner for your particular kind of pet -  by inputting the type of pet being dog, cat, bird, fish, turtle, lizard, rabbit, iguana, fox, guinea fowl, dragon, chimpanzee, hedgehog, chinchilla .... followed by a description of the item - "cat food with shrimp",  "hedgehog  food", "chinchilla food" and so on. For food products, once your search results come up, you can click on each one to get further details as to the composition of the food.  This will help you to make the best selection of food for your pet. Once you complete your Order, you will get delivery in a very timely manner from within one to two days.
Apart from Pet Food and Pet Supplies, you can shop for anything under the sun from this website. On the side-bar at the top left of this Home Page,  just select the category. If it is not present, select 'All Categories', and then open up the window where it says 'All' to get all the various categories from A to Z. From there, you can shop from across a wide range of items from appliances to wines and everything in between including auto supplies, computers, laptops, phones, cameras, beauty care products, cosmetics, clothing, shoes, jewellery, baby care products, music and musical instruments, office products, kitchen appliances and kitchenwares, patio, lawn and garden supplies, toys and sporting goods, tools, video games and your every needs numbering in the thousands. Just enter a suitable description of your product and you will get it.  
In addition, please check out our other affiliates in the side-bar on this page and every other pages.  You will discover many very interesting products. We make every effort to bring you the very best product or service at the very least cost.  We will  make your shopping experience both memorable and satisfying. For the best deals in airline tickets from anywhere to everywhere, go to 'CheapAir on the left sidebar on this page. Once you are in CheapAir, you can book the best deals in Hotels and Car Rentals. If you wish to have fancy, innovative and geeky gadgets, check out ThinkGeek on the sidebar on the Left. 
You can order from any platform - desktop, laptop, cell phone or mobile.  We operate in the following countries - the United States, Canada, the UK, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Japan, China and India. Timely delivery and product satisfaction are guaranteed.

Thank you for visiting our store. We would love for you to come again. We hope you enjoy shopping at Fuzzy Wuzzy Pet Store. We are always updating this store with new and exciting products from the best sources from around the world. For your next visit, please bookmark this site to get all your pet supplies. We appreciate your telling your friends and family about all the great pet products and pet supplies at Fuzzy Wuzzy Pet Store.