
Your Bird Will Amaze You With Their level Of Intelligence

Picking the Right Bird

Some of the more common types of birds people keep as house pets are cockatoos, Amazon parrots, African grey parrots,  macaws, regular parrots, conures, cockatiels and budgies. There are many more species to select from which can make very good house pets. You may want to select a bird based on size, available space, is the bird silent or noisy, does it mess a lot, does it bite, can it be trained to talk, does it get along well with people, how expensive is it, can it bond with me, does it make a good companion, and does it get along with other birds. Some of these questions have to be asked first before committing to any given type of bird. Once you have done your homework and you have select one, you will enjoy endless days of satisfaction with your bird.




Food For Your Bird

Healthy Bird Food

Birds are omnivores. In the wild, they will practically eat anything to survive.  As a sort of survival diet, they will eat seeds exclusively only when other foods are unavailable. When food supplies are abundant, birds will eat a wide array of food items. This will help to correct any imbalance in their diets. They may eat insects, worms, fruits, vegetables and grains. They love to explore the world around them to find edible things to eat. A good portion of their time is spent looking for food. They may travel unending miles to do so.


In a restricted environment, however, food choices are limited. You will have to make a special effort to find healthy bird food that are natural and pleasing to your bird. They need food that contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. It is up to you to provide a balanced diet. In a pet environment, commercial bird pellets will provide a fairly balanced diet.

Get to know your bird,  and get it to eat  a good-quality seed mix if he is not on one now. You can distinguish these from poor mixes in several ways. Healthier seed mixes minimize or eliminate fat-filled sunflower seeds and peanuts. Instead, they include a large list of ingredients such as oats, corn, hemp, grape seed, flax and various types of millet. Often, prime-quality mixes also are fortified with vitamins and minerals. Some birds may like nuts, worms and other items and some may need tiny stones to help crush their food.You can add these as supplements.  Remember not to give your bird any poisonous food or substance. Household items are dangerous for pet birds. Avoid giving your bird sweets and other types of people food.  Your bird will also need to drink water. Make sure you supply clean drinking water on a daily basis

They cannot select their food, and thus, it is our job to select the right type of food for them. Whether birds are indoors or outdoors, they need us as much as we value them. Depending upon where we live and the local climate, some birds need us more than others. For wild birds in cold climate, where they do not migrate, when the snow falls and covers the ground completely, birds are at the mercy of nature. They need food to provide energy and to stay warm. On occasions like this, birds need us badly to be the provider of food and water for them. There is simply no alternative. Everyone is encouraged to pitch in.

Here, at Fuzzy Wuzzy Pet Store, we carry a wide selection of bird food for all types of birds whether they are your pets in your home or they live in the wild outdoors


 Bird Toys and Exercising

Bird ToyToys. Birds in the wild are always on the go - feeding, making nests, feeding their young and doing all their daily chores. When they are in a cage indoors, they can get bored very easily. Different types of birds play and interact quite differently. Some birds require materials to break up to make their nests as if they are in the wild. Some birds have an instinct to make noise to communicate. Metal bells are best for this. Other birds prefer interactive toys like beads which make sounds, and could be moved around, and others love to swing from side to side. Get to know what your bird likes, and provide a good bird toyBy providing interactive toys, your bird will stay mentally sharp. Give it lots of attention, and on a regular basis, let it out of the cage so that it can walk about and fly around in the house. Make sure all windows and doors are closed and there are no suspended  wires that can be in the flight path.




 Cages For Your Bird

Bird Cage

 Cages. Birds come in all sizes, and so the cages they are housed in should accommodate them adequately. For any bird that likes to climb, the cage should be designed with horizontal bars. For birds that are constantly looking to escape, security features should be included. There is a large variety of bird cages to choose from. Your bird cage should be above all things, safe to prevent any injury. 


 Caring For Your Bird

Health care for our birdsSpecialized Bird Care must be given to your bird. Remember, birds are more sensitive and delicate than dogs and cats. You have to become aware of poison prevention tips. Birds are very sensitive to inhaling scents, smokes and fumes whether from cigarettes, car exhaust, paints, perfumes or hair spray. Prevent your bird access to areas in the home which could have items dangerous to your bird's health such as cleaning agents, pesticides or medicine. eep your bird in a large enough cage with perches in a safe place  away from cats and dogs.  It should be able to stretch its wings and fly about. Keep the cage clean and hygienic at all times and sterilize it at least once per week. Provide clean food and fresh drinking water on a daily basis. If possible, provide a bird bath and keep it clean. Make sure that your bird is kept in a warm environment and suitable toys are given for it to entertain itself and play with. In the nights, cover its cage with a blanket so that it can go to sleep. In the wild, they sleep for longer hours than humans. 

Although good bird health starts with a good diet, there are times when your bird may become ill. Constant attention and good observation are required at all times to spot any changes. At the first sign of any illness, an avian veterinarian should be consulted immediately. Early attention can stop the illness in its tracks.


Relating With Our Bird 

Relationship with our birds

Love your bird and it will love you back. Although they have bird brain, remember that they are intelligent in their own way. If you make them happy, then they will provide you very good companionship and make you happy in return. Talk to your bird. It will 'talk' back to you. It may not understand every word that you say but it will make a connection with you. That's one sure way to establish a relationship. Once in a while, you can hand-feed bird treats or fruits that your bird likes. Before you know it, you and your bird will become pals. You will be looking forward to come home to say hello, and he cannot wait to see you. They are social creatures in their own way just like we are.    

Values Of Birds To Us

Birds working for usOur feathered friends bring us much delight in just seeing them and constantly looking at them. We love their varied plumage. We watch how they interact with each other, how they feed, and how they preen themselves. We love to hear them chirping and to listen to their morning songs. They provide a lot of distraction for us, and they adorn nature with their beauty. Indeed they are a delight to our eyes and a stimulus to our minds. We have made many of them our indoor pets just like our dogs and our cats, and they serve similar roles and purposes in our lives. 

They are our constant companions. They enhance our lives. They add value to our daily living, and they help to take lonliness away from us. Sometimes, they do very funny things and make us laugh or some of them learn how to imitate us and they talk just like we do and repeat what we say. If you swear, they let everyone know how you swear. In many cases, they serve as therapist. When we are pre-occupied with our problems, we talk to them and forget about things that bother us. They serve as that distraction from our routines when we need it most. They help to keep us normal.


Shop Here For All Your Bird Food And Other Supplies

Just as birds of the same feather flock together, they also prefer their own kinds of food. Birds eat all kinds of seeds. For your indoor pet, be mindful of providing a healthy diet with less fats, or food that is formulated specially for your indoor pet. For outdoor birds that burn a great deal of energy to fly about and to stay warm in the cold season, you can choose from black oil sunflower to fine, medium and striped sunflower, to safflower, to whole and cracked peanuts, to white millet, or to cracked corn and all manner of grass seeds in between. Each specie has its own preference. 

Here, at Fuzzy Wuzzy Pet Store, we carry a wide selection of bird food for all types of birds whether they are your pets in your home or they live in the wild outdoors. You can also obtain all manner of other bird items such as bird houses, cages, perches, nests, toys, treats and other items. Should you need any pet items not on our displays, then go below, and enter it in the Search Box, using your own words. You will have many items to choose from. Thanks for shopping at Fuzzy Wuzzy Pet Store. Please bookmark this site, and pass the word out to your friends, families and acquaintances. We appreciate your business and we look forward to your next visit.