
Relax And Forget All Your Troubles As you Watch Your Fish

Selecting a Pet  Fish

We are just as passionate for our aquatic pets are we are for our dogs, cats and birds. Before you go out and start buying fishes for your aquarium, there are a number of considerations that have to be made. Is it a freshwater, saltwater or brackish water fish? Is it a tropical fish needing a heated tank? Is it a cold water fish with no heated tank necessary? Are the fishes going to grow or outgrow the tank? Do the fishes get along with others? Are they going to fight? Are they going to eat each other? Are they bottom feeders? Are they sensitive to lights? Can I put other creatures in the tank alongside them?

There are over a hundred fish species to pick from. Some of the most common ones for cold water tanks are Goldfish, Bloodfin Tetras and White Cloud Mountain Minnow. The latter is a great cold water starter fish. Remember that when Goldfishes get big, they will want to eat the other smaller fishes. For heated tanks,  you can choose from Danios, Black Molly, Black Skirt Tetra, Platies, Swordtails, and Betta. Mollies can live in fresh water as well as in brackish and salt water. 

Goldfishes tend to grow fast and  will produce a lot of ammonia in their waste. Other types of fishes may not be able to tolerate this. It is good to get some bottom feeders and algae feeders with the rest of your fishes to complement each other. Keep a diverse tank. Each fish will have its own personality but most are not true to the characteristics of the breed. Make sure you choose hardy fishes that get along with others and are easy to care for, and do not mix cold water fishes with fishes from brackish water or from tropical waters.


Foods For Your Fish

Fish Food

fish food


Commercial fish foods come mostly in flake and pellet forms, and they are formulated to accommodate herbivores, carnivores, community fish, salt water fish and other types. You can also obtain Freeze-dried fish foods  which have higher fiber content than flakes and pellets. Fishes prefer them. They help in preventing constipation and bladder problems, and they are safer and healthier for your fish. However, they cost more than pellets and flakes. Live and frozen fish foods are also available. Frozen foods are cheaper and healthier with good fiber and nutrition content. It is a good idea to vary the type of fish foodfish food used, and to use foods with good fiber content  and vitamins. Avoid any type of live food that may carry diseases and parasites. If any food is high in fats, this may cause harm to the internal organs of your fish. Some predator type of fish may prefer live food. However, they can get by without it. 

Herbivores can eat seaweed-based food and vegetables like lettuce, cucumber, carrots, sweet potatoes, zucchini, and other types of vegetables. However, the nutritional values may be low. Some types of fishes like to nibble on wood to get their fiber intake. Fishes feed in a variety of different ways, so how you feed your fish will depend upon what species are being maintained. Use floating fish food for surface-feeding fishes and sinking fish food for species that stay close to the bottom of the aquarium.

Aquarium & Equipment

Fish Aquarium


The correct size of aquarium must be used depending on the size and number of fishes housed in it. Proper pump and filter should be installed to keep the water clean and aerated at all times. A canopy with light on a timer at the appropriate level of brightness helps the fishes navigate the aquarium, while careful decorations with gravel, rocks and other materials can provide sheltered areas for escape and resting. A thermometer should be installed to monitor the water temperature at all times.

Preventative maintenance must be done to the aquarium on an ongoing scheduled frequency to keep the conditions safe for the health of the fishes. The aquarium systems - heaters, filters and aerators must be inspected for proper working, and the filters must be cleaned. The water should be checked and tested for its temperature and Ph level, and maintained optimally.

Caring For Your Fish

Managing your fish aquarium

 Whether you have tropical fishes, temperate fishes, cold-water fishes or warm-water fishes, the various ways in which you care for your fish will be very similar. However, you have to become knowledgeable about the various aspects of keeping fishes in an aquarium. This is one of the more tender and delicate type of pet that you will have. They are also very sensitive to their environment. Starting with your fish food to the environment which they have to live in and the maintenance of that environment, you will benefit greatly by talking to the specialists at the pet store where you purchased your fish. It is also recommended that you do some of your own research online and compile the relevant information that you need in terms of type of food, type and size of tank, tank equipment and maintenance, tank materials, and any other aspect of the life of your fish.  

Once you have your tank set up and your fishes are in place, you will need to feed them on a regular basis - once or twice per day. Provide them with a good quality of food. Put enough food for them to eat within a few minutes. Do not overfeed such that there is excess food left in the tank. Fish food goes stale relatively quickly, so choose a small package and replace when it runs low. If you use flakes and pellets, these will get stale quicker than the freeze-dried or frozen variety. Once the package is opened, keep it in a cool dry place so as to maintain freshness.
Your fishes are very sensitive to their environment. Cleaning and maintaining the tank is of utmost importance for their health and longevity. The tank should be cleaned at least once per week and up to a quarter of the water should be replaced each time. Make sure that the new water that is added to the tank not too cold and rich in chlorine. To prevent this, let the water sit overnight to be aired out and to attain room temperature.
If water conditioner is used, then once added, let the water sit for at least half an hour before adding it to the tank.
It is important to keep the water temperature steady, and to maintain the right Ph level.  If you  have Goldfishes, these  tend to grow fast. They will need a larger tank, and they produce a lot of ammonia in their waste. Other types of fishes may not be able to tolerate this. A very good filtration system is needed in order to take care of the ammonia.  It is a good idea to get some bottom feeders and algae feeders with the rest of your fishes to complement each other.   
Decreased activity is a common sign of disease, and may be seen with poor water quality, various infectious diseases and many other problems. Any type of bacterial infection need to be treated with antibiotic or antibacterial medications. 


 Value Of  Pet Fish To Us

Value of our fish to usWe all have different choices of pets. While some folks fall in love with 'land' pets, some of us are just as passionate for our aquatic friends - fishes, turtles and other beautiful creatures. Our reasons may vary widely but the one thing that is common is that they provide a presence in our lives that add value to our living. Unlike our dogs and cats who may be 'holing' up in some corner from time to time, our fishes and turtles always occupy a high visibility area in our homes. When we are home, we constantly have them in our view, and their steady movements prevent us from feeling bored when we have nothing to do. Their presence in the home tend to act as companions. That constant view in itself help distract us from our daily chores and preoccupations, and helps to keep us happier than we otherwise would be. 



Shop Here For All Your Fish Food & Supplies 

There is an assortment of fish food available. Flake food is best for small fishes while fish pellets are more suitable for larger fishes. There are also freeze-dried fish foods in the form of worms, krills or shrimps to supplement their diet. Fish treats are also available. 

All other necessary supplies are available - aquarium, kit, filter, lights, rocks and other accessories. 

You have a wide variety of fish food and fish supplies to select from. If you need any type of food or any fish item which is not on our side-bar display, then enter it in the Search Box below using 'key' words starting with the type of pet here being 'fish.....', and describe it as best as you can. You will find plenty of choices. Please bookmark this site for your next visit and tell your friends about it. Thanks for shopping at Fuzzy Wuzzy Pet Store.